John & Robin

On the 19th of July John and Robin arrived for a visit with us! The next day we celebrated Elisha's birthday by going to an indoor playground and getting pizza.

On the first Saturday they were here, we went for a hike and John and the boys tried fishing in the lake.

On Sunday Robin helped lead the music. It was nice to hear her play. This was the first time we had a full band play at our church. We also had lunch at the church. 

We had wonderful weather on Monday and decided to go to the beach in the morning. The water was nice and clear, it was shallow for the boys, and we were able to see so many sea creatures! Starfish, crabs, shrimp, jellyfish, cuttlefish, and tons of hermit crabs. It was so nice. That evening, John and Robin watched the boys so Stephen and I could go on a date. It was a super-nice day.

On Tuesday we got our pictures taken by our intern Ben McGue. They turned out fantastic. 

Wednesday Stephen and his Dad went to a sermon meeting at the church because John was going to preach on Sunday. 

Thursday John and Robin took us to the Atlantaquarium for the first time. We all enjoyed it. It was so interesting to learn more about sea creatures and more specifically about the bay we live nearby. In the evening Stephen lead Bible study and John and Robin were able to go along as well. 

On Friday we traveled down to Limerick. We ran an errand for the church and afterwards went to  King John's castle in Limerick. We all really enjoyed it. Afterwards we ate out at a barbecue place. 

Saturday we flew a kite and stacked rocks in Spiddal.

On Sunday John preached while Stephen and I lead the music together. 

We are very thankful for our family and glad John and Robin came all this way to visit us. So glad we were able to make the most of their time here. 
