NMC 2010

Jammie, Jessie, Alisa, and Stephen at the NMC
We had a great time at the National Missionary Convention. We were able to talk to a lot of students who had intrest in missions in Europe. It was also great to see our teammates, fellow Kontaktmissionites, former students from Central Christian College of the Bible, and people from Christ's Church of the Valley. The main sessions at the convention were great as well. There were a lot of booths that had coffee available, which helped with our exhaustion over the week. If you ever have a chance to attend the NMC, DO IT! They have a lot of great classes available and mostly, have a lot of good exhibitors who are doing great work around the world.

We are ready for Ireland!
After the NMC we went to Zion IL to visit our friends Mark and Meg Burbidge. It was a lot of fun to see them again and as usual, time seemed to just go too fast. Judah is his same fun self, but I think that he has sprouted up a few inches since the last time we saw him. It was also great to finally meet Ewan Joel. He was so tiny and cute! Another fun thing that happened was at church that Sunday a lady thought that Meg and I were sisters. Ahhhh! That never gets old!

Judah, Stephen, and the T-Rex, Alvin

Ewan Joel Burbidge
We are at my family's house now. This year is going to be extra special since all of my family is here! I am always thinking of how things will be different once we go to Ireland and not being able to see everyone, so I am very thankful that I at least have this time.
What are you thankful for? I would like to hear about it.
Thanks for reading!
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